

Service areas that are always in need of new volunteers are listed below.  Click on the links below for a "job description" of the service area.

Worship Assistants:

Lectors and Communion Assistants




Altar Care

Live-Stream Camera Audio/Video


Sunday Hosts

Interested in serving in one of these areas?

Get to Know Your Church Committees

Whether you are a long-time church member or relatively new, there is a place for you to share your time and talents at Family of God. There are several committees who support the work of the church. Most committee members are people from the congregation who want to help. This is a brief introduction to the work that is done. If you have the desire to be involved in one of these committees, please let a staff or church council member know.

The Executive, Personnel, Staff Support, Finance/Audit, and Stewardship committees are smaller committees who perform more administrative functions for operating the church. These committees typically meet “as needed” to support church staffing needs, perform financial audits, and plan for annual fundraising to support the church budget.

The Worship and Music committee meets as needed to plan for special services during Lent and Advent and to discuss potential changes for worship services. 

If working with youth interests you, then the Youth and Education committees may be the place for sharing your talents. These groups work closely with Pastor Erin in planning for Sunday school, vacation bible school and other youth events.

Have you participated in the FOG Super Bowl Party or tasted some delicious treats at one of the FOG Drama events? If so, then you have experienced first-hand some of the work of the Hospitality committee . They coordinate a lot of fun for our congregation!

Social Ministry is the committee that organizes several events to lend support to our broader community. When you donate gifts at Christmas for families, fill an Operation Christmas Child box, or participate in the church garage sale; you are supporting the work of Social Ministry.  

The Evangelism committee does outreach work and reaches out to the community to inform others about Family of God. This group is currently working on formulating plans for growth of our membership. Do you have some ideas to share?

Last, but most certainly not least, is the Property committee  . The recent goals of this group are visible everywhere in our church; from researching and planning the entire “Catch the Vision” remodeling campaign, to the new lighting in the parking lot, upgrading the landscaping, and so much more. 

Specific Service Areas

Counters:   Please contact the church office if you are interested in this area.

Coffee Servers:   Please contact the church office if you are interested in volunteering in this area.

Church Council:  The Church Council meets the 3rd Thursday of every month (unless otherwise noted) at 7 pm.  Most church decisions are discussed by the council.  A list of current members can be found under the  About Us tab.  If you are interested in for running for the church council, please contact the church office.

Funeral Meals:  Each time Family of God has a funeral, volunteers are needed to make bars, cakes, salads, etc. and to help prepare and serve the food on the day of the funeral.  The families are always very appreciative for this service.  If you would like to be placed on the call list when this need arises, please contact the church office.

Committees:  If you'd like to join one of the following committees, please contact the person listed below.

Additional Opportunities:  In addition to the above ongoing needs, there are always miscellaneous and seasonal opportunities to volunteer.  These include: 

  • newsletter assembler
  • sanctuary cleanup
  • teaching or helping with Sunday School
  • helping with the Sunday School Christmas Program
  • Vacation Bible School
  • church plays
  • confirmation projects
  • the annual garage sale

Watch the News & Events Page for specific needs or contact the church office with questions.

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