Usher Guide



 Before the service:


It’s best to arrive about 15 minutes before worship starts.

Bulletins will be on the usher cabinet or in the office area. Look at the order of service for the day and if you have questions, talk with the pastor or other worship leaders.    

Check to see that four offering plates are on the usher cabinet. Also an Altar Care volunteer will be placing the Communion bread and wine pitcher there for bringing forward with the offering.

Note the hearing devices and assist anyone wanting to use one.

Greet worshippers, hand them a bulletin and assist them in finding a place to sit if pews have become crowded.

Close doors when prelude music starts or before if possible so the sanctuary can quiet down.


During and after service:


Count adults and children in the sanctuary, including choirs, and record number on clipboard attendance form. (If Sunday School children are present temporarily, count after they exit.)

Sit in chairs near the doors as you participate in the service and be alert for ways you may be needed, such as opening and closing a door for latecomers and anyone needing to go out.

Two or more ushers bring the offering, bread, and the wine pouring vessel to the altar.    

Guide worshippers to front for Communion, starting with far right section.

As the worship ends, open sanctuary doors. You can take people’s used bulletins if they hand them to you, but they’re welcome to take them home also. Check the pews for waste or left behind items.

 If you are new to ushering, there will always be an experienced person working with you who can be of help. A meeting for new and continuing ushers is held periodically for evaluation and comments. Thank you to everyone.

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